Message: The Ascension from Derek Filley
The Eternal Life Church of Christ
Community and Society - Faith and Beliefs
Welcome to The Eternal Life Church of Christ, a community of believers dedicated to deepening their faith and exploring the profound teachings of Christianity. In this message, we dive into the topic of The Ascension, a significant event in the life of Jesus Christ that holds great meaning for Christians around the world.
Understanding The Ascension
The Ascension refers to the moment when Jesus Christ, after his resurrection, ascended into heaven, witnessed by his disciples. This momentous event took place forty days after his resurrection and marked the completion of his earthly ministry.
The Ascension holds immense theological and symbolic significance in the Christian faith. It signifies the exaltation and glorification of Jesus, as he returns to the heavenly realm to reign with God the Father. It also demonstrates Jesus' victory over sin and death, a profound testament to the power of his sacrifice on the cross.
The Significance of The Ascension
The Ascension reveals several crucial aspects of the Christian faith:
1. The Promise Fulfilled
In his ministry, Jesus promised his disciples that he would return to the Father and send the Holy Spirit to guide and empower them. The Ascension fulfilled this promise, as Jesus joined the divine realm and paved the way for the coming of the Holy Spirit on Pentecost.
2. The Authority of Jesus
Through the Ascension, Jesus established his authority over all creation. Seated at God's right hand, he intercedes for believers and exercises his sovereign power. This signifies that Jesus is not only the Savior but also the ruling King of heaven and earth.
3. The Hope of Believers
The Ascension provides believers with hope, knowing that Jesus, who triumphed over death and ascended into heaven, will one day return. This expectation of Christ's second coming inspires believers to remain faithful and await the fulfillment of God's promises.
The Ascension and Our Lives Today
The Ascension has profound implications for the lives of believers today. It reminds us of our heavenly citizenship and encourages us to seek eternal values. As followers of Christ, we are called to:
1. Seek Things Above
By focusing on the eternal, we establish a perspective that transcends the temporary world. The Ascension reminds us to set our hearts on heavenly things, seeking a deeper relationship with God and living out his teachings in our daily lives.
2. Embrace God's Power
The Ascension assures us that the same power that raised Jesus from the dead is available to us through the indwelling Holy Spirit. By surrendering our lives to God, we can tap into this power, enabling us to overcome challenges and make a positive impact in the world.
3. Share the Good News
Just as Jesus instructed his disciples to preach the gospel, the Ascension also reminds us of our responsibility to share the good news of salvation with others. We are called to be witnesses of Christ's work, pointing others to the hope and redemption found in him.
As we reflect on The Ascension, we learn of Jesus' triumphant return to his Father, his ongoing role as our intercessor, and the promise of his second coming. This powerful event not only solidifies our faith but also challenges us to live in light of eternity, following Jesus' example and sharing his message of love, grace, and salvation.
At The Eternal Life Church of Christ, we strive to deepen our understanding of The Ascension and all the teachings of Christianity. Join us as we embark on this faith-filled journey, seeking to grow in our relationship with God and make a positive impact in our communities.